How it works

Getting superior surveillance
for your property is simple with Monitex

How It Works

Assess & Quote

Our experts assess your property and
current security setups, providing a personalized quote for a strong surveillance strategy.

Setup & Sync

Our skilled technicians set up speakers (and additional cameras, if needed), link your CCTV, and tailor it to sync seamlessly with our system.

Monitor & Protect

Our remote security personnel monitor the live footage from your premises, always on the alert for any unusual activity or potential threats.


What happens
if a threat is detected?

More questions about our remote security services?

It’s easy

Setting up Monitex on your site is as simple as connecting our system to your existing hardware. No cameras installed yet? No problem. All you need are cameras, power and internet, and we can arrange all that in a jiffy.

It’s effective

Virtual surveillance is proven to be highly effective, preventing crime time and time again, as well as helping property managers keep their buildings in order without a continuous live presence.

It’s economical

For the price of one security guard, we cover your property from all angles, at all times. No matter the size or location of your property, you get complete security with no blind spots and no downtime.

Always on the safe side

Our multi-level failsafe system guarantees crime prevention and protection 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Live Camera Feed

streams from your CCTV cameras to our system.

Trained Guards + AI

monitor your property remotely at all times.

Second Tier Managers

oversee guards to double-check that nothing is missed.

Audio Deterrence

is employed if a threat is spotted.

Police Intervention

is called for if threats

Real-time Collaboration

between our team and the PD ensures the intruder is caught quickly.

Incident Reports

give you all the details about what happened.

Video Playback

provides real-time testimony for prosecution.

Save time, money and hassle

With 24/7 video surveillance
by Monitex

Protect your property from crime

Manage your property virtually

Offering customized security solutions for:

Construction Sites

Parking Lots

Residential Properties


Warehouses & Self storage

Schools & Campuses

Car Dealerships

Shopping Malls

Cannabis Facilities

Office Buildings

Get someone watching your property. Always.